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ذكرى ثورة سبتمبر1961 – 2012

ذكرى ثورة سبتمبر1961 – 2012

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تزف أسرة تحرير أومال التهنئة لأبناء شعبنا الارتري في الداخل والشتات بمناسبة الذكرى ال51 لإنطلاق ثورة الشعب الارتري ضد الاستعمار الإلحاقي الكهنوتي الإثيوبي وتهنئ رعيل الثورة ومقاتليها البواسل الذين صنعوا المعجزات وسجلوا الملاحم البطولية التي أذهلت العالم وحققوا النصر المؤزر ، وليس بمستغرب أن يحي الشعب الارتري في كل عام ذكرى إندلاع ثورة الفاتح من سبتمبر تلك الثورة المجيدة التي أشعل أورها القائد الشهيد حامد إدريس عواتي ورفاقه من الرعيل الأول وسار تحت لوائها أبناء شعبنا الارتري من رحيتا في دنكاليا وحتى رأس قصار في الساحل ومن فورتو في إكلي قوزاي لتمرات في بركة ، دفعوا خلال عقود النضال أرواح ودماء فلذات أكبادهم دفعوا عشرات الألوف من الشهداء ، قدموا أموالهم بذلوا كل شيئ من أجل الحرية والكرامة والإستقلال والديمقراطية  لهذا يحتفلون بها تجديدا للعهد وإستعادة لذكرى الأبطال الذين شقوا طريق الكرامة والحرية وسقوا دروب النضال بدمائهم الطاهرة ، وكان الآمل الذي يحث خطاهم على الطريق ويدفعهم للبذل ولمزيد من البذل أنهم أصحاب حق راسخ وقضية عادلة ونصر أكيد وسيصلون في نهاية المطاف ومهما كانت التضحيات لدولة الكرامة سينالون الاستقلال سيعود أهليهم من مناطق اللجوء الي بيوتهم الى قراهم الى مدنهم إلى مراتع ذكريات الصبى ، لهذا كانت التضحية والبسالة عالية جداً والثمن كبير جداً بحجم الوطن الأمل بحجم المطلب التاريخي مطلب حق تقرير المصير خاصة ، ورغم أن الشعب ومناضليه كانوا يواجهون بقوات إستعمارية من دولة جارة تربطهم بها حدود طويلة ووشائج متنوعة وكانت تلك الدولة الجارة أثيوبيا محكومة بقبضة الكهنوت المسنود من الاقطاع والكنيسة  والاستعلاء القومي الذي أذاق حتى الشعوب الأثيوبية الويلات ودفعها للثورة وبعد مجيئ النظام العسكري بإنقلابه الشهير 1974م أمل الأثيوبيون ولكنه تمسك بذات النهج وتشدد ضد القضية الوطنية الارترية ورفض تطبيق مبدأ حق تقرير المصير على الشعب الارتري وحاول أن يغلف طرحه بالغطاء الأيديوبوجي ، لهذا جرت معه المواجهات الأكثر ضراوة ودمويةً وأخيراً هزم نظام الدرق الاستعماري وأنجز الارتريون الإستقلال ، ورغم أن الشعب الارتري قد أنجز إستقلال ترابه الوطني وتمكن من طرد قوات الاحتلال بعد صراع طويل ومرير ودامي إلا أنه لم يستمتع بثمار تضحياته الغالية ، جاء الكيان الذي لم يتطور لدولة بمفهوم الدولة العصرية التي تحتضن كل أبنائها بل إتجه نحو السلطة الشمولية وهي تحولت مع الوقت لملك عضوض تحورت فيه حتى علاقات الحزب الشمولي نفسه .

المواطن العادي مثلت له الدولة التي حلم بها غول يتهدد أبنائه لايرى منها إلا كشات الخدمة العسكرية الأبدية والتي يصدق عليها المثل الدخل مفقود والخارج مولود ــ سلطة بذرت النغمة في النفوس صار الخوف حاكماً للنفوس – صارت سلطة تضغط على المواطن وعبر له بإستمرار بأنه عرضة لخطر داهم خطر مستدام – رجالات السلطة بالنسبة للمواطن ينتهكون عاداته وحقوقه في الأرض في المرعى وتروعه إدارياً وتعاقبه لأتفه الأسباب ، وبهذا عادت الدولة ( السلطة ) كهيئة معادية ومهددة للشعب يرفضها مواطنوها ، وعبارات ملكية الدولة والصالح العام ليس أكثر من خداع أيديولوجي وما ينتزع من أرض بإسمه يذهب لحفنة وفئة من بطانة النظام بعد أن تنتزع من أصحابها الأصليين ، وغدت السلطة التي تدير الدولة بإسم الجماهير جهاز إستغلال وإضطهاد ، تعرضت علاقة الدولة والمواطن لإختلال مما كرس حالة من اليأس والاغتراب عن الدولة بل والفرار الجماعي الذي لم يسبق له مثيل ، وتحولت الدولة لملاك تديره أقلية من ذوي الامتيازات بيدها كل السلطة وأكثرية تلهث وراء القوت اليومي تبحث عن مجرد البقاء وتحرم من المشاركة السياسية بما فيها جموع اللاجئين الذين حرموا من حق العودة لديارهم بعد ذلك الاستقلال .

وعلى صعيد المقاومة للاستبداد فلا تزال في صحراء التيه وتدور في فلك التشتت والتشرذم رغم ما أنجزت من إطار جامع وواسع إلا أنها من الناحية العملية فلا تزال في مدار التيه وتحتاج لتفعيل برامجها وخلق آليات جماعية ينجز بها الجميع الهدف المشترك وعلى صعيد منظمات المجتمع المدني فلسنا بحاجة لتكرار ذات التشرذم الذي أبتليت به ساحة القوى السياسة وكل ما هو مطلوب منها الالتفاف على برامج جماعية وخلق أوسع مواعين نضالية ممكنة وعليها أن تستلهم دروس وعبر ثورة سبتمبر التي حولت شعب صغير لعملاق فج في قلب الصخر الصلد طريق النصر ، وفي هذه الذكرى المجيد نقول لصناع سبتمبر عذراً أننا جميعاً تأخرنا وزاق  بعضنا عن الطريق وتخلى البعض الآخر عن كل شيئ وآثر آخرون السلامة وإستمرأوا الاستكانة والبعض تضخمت عنده الذات فلايرى إلا نفسه ورأيه وتجاوز بعضنا عهدكم  ....ولكنا نقول لابد من سبتمبر وإن طال الطريق ولابد من النصر لشعبنا وإن تطاولت وإشتدت المعاناة ولابد وأن ليل الظلم إلى زوال  وكل عام وأنتم بخير وإنشاء الله سبتمبر القادم على ربى بلادنا بعد إزالة الديكتاتورية المستبدة .

وثورة حتى النصر


#11 | Marvinzem في 06-10-2016
Taking the bloom out of Britain <a href="http://watersinfo.org/ind">reverse osmosis water system</a> <a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">purified water</a> Uhuru Kenyatta, the Kenyan president, said that Kenya is tackling emissions via a renewable energy push that features wind, geothermal, hydro and, in the future, solar powered energy. But he warned: We have to get ready and willing to generate selfless sacrifices today if we want to leave our children and grandchildren a viable and much better world tomorrow. ,Tread lightly: Install a water-saving device
In terms of domestic chores, like washing clothes, everything's been place on hold, Suveinakama said. We are cautious of the situation due to the possible medical issues. ,<a href="http://watersinfo.org/house">purified water</a> ï»؟<a href="http://watersinfo.org">water filter</a>
#12 | DonaldKaw في 06-10-2016
K. Scott Schoppert, Printing Impressions Printing & Copy Center <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">wholesale wrapping paper</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">postcard printing</a> A few additional basic questions would help establish the benchmarking parameters and objectives: ,How Many Bids do Print Buyers Collect? Also, how printers can turn to #1 on the speed dial.
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#13 | DonaldJew في 07-10-2016
It’s A Perfect Storm for Marketing Services…and also the Boat is Rocking! <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">Printing Services</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom cardboard boxes</a> NewlineNoosh comes with a wide spectrum of services spanning the &ldquo;source to repay&rdquo; cycle. Implementing a consultative process focus, the corporation provides technology solutions and business process outsourcing that will reach from your creative process on the distribution process, from strategic sourcing and spend data analysis to managing procurement transactions and supplier relationships. NewlineNoosh delivers these solutions and services to large global customers including Unilever, Capital One, and Genworth Financial. ,What Goes Up Must Come Down…In Weight
Presstek's Chairman, President &amp; CEO Jeff Jacobson chimed in: The idea that Heidelberg is just not at Graph Expo 2010 is telling. For us, it really is style of interesting to also have the sole three offset presses that have been running live, and that is certainly not only a very bad thing for people. We are here because doing so is an excellent way for individuals to market presses. This is strategy to said as a whole. But I certainly couldn't survive averse to shows moving to every one other year. It is a major expense, no question about this. We could be prepared to spend slightly more on the consolidated show. To be candid, packaging and labels will not be our focus, but we surely would encounter some customers from those segments that might find value within our offerings, particularly using the larger format and expanded capabilities of merchandise just like the 75DI. It could represent an incremental internet business opportunity for individuals as well as them. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">business supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom cardboard boxes</a>
#14 | MichaelVep في 07-10-2016
What Effect Does Digitization Really Have on Printing? <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Book-Printing.html">Book Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">packaging boxes</a> By Noel Ward, Executive Editor June 11, 2006 -- Ever because the computer began its frontal assault on document design and creation, two elements, fonts and graphics, have posed challenges to efficient production. Fonts appear to be problems that could never truly go away completely, while graphics--from illustrations to photography--continue being suffering from issues of image resolution, color accuracy, along with the various issues with image quality. The bookcases around my office bear testament on the challenges these topics pose. Well-populated with books on all issues with print production, a disproportionate number manage to take care of methods for ensuring the photographs used within a document will print correctly by using an offset or digital press. The latest addition is Digital Color Correction by Pete Rivard, whom you could possibly recognize as being a regular columnist you will come to ODJ. Rivard's regular job is Principal Instructor for Digital Imaging at Dunwoody College of Technology in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In that role he's involved in taking students, often with minimum knowledge or experience of photography, print production, or design, and turning them into experts in image editing, manipulation, color correction plus more. His new book, focused primarily around the tools easily obtainable in Adobe Photoshop, is unquestionably a worthy text for college kids at Dunwoody, and it is also the one which really should be around the shelf next to each and every web designer and digital prepress person from the land, despite simply how much they've known (or think they do know) relating to craft. While I'm familiar together with the relevant issues of image preparation which enables it to discuss them in certain depth, I usually don't need to spending some time doing much in excess of basic image editing and color correction. When I have were forced to help images of lower than ideal quality I've used some on the texts in my shelves, but too frequently I discover them like going to your Department of Motor Vehicles--you ought to do that before it is possible to achieve that, so you've got being inside other line. Groan. They help, however it's not necessarily easy for getting the place you wish to go. The same goes for that official and unofficial software manuals for Photoshop. The info is perhaps all there but it's often lower than readily accessible. Rivard's book takes another approach. While it can be written to look at inexperienced from other first foray into image editing and color correction though some fairly high-end work, that you do not necessarily ought to have read and understand every one of the earlier chapters to make use of some on the more professional techniques he shows. This can be a crucial difference in approach. Each technique and step is described in relationship to achieving the effects desired, with mostly full-color examples very often show the both before and after results. This enables a designer to with less effort edit and color correct images therefore the final document they earn will print correctly without having surprises on digital presses, both DI and toner-based. Adding value, Rivard often describes real-world projects as degrees of that the technique is employed to produce a final document more potent. The other appealing factor on this book over similar volumes is always that Rivard (as ODJ readers know) is often a gifted writer. His tone is friendly and conversational because he coaches the various readers through different processes and also the theory in it. His quantity of front of your class, making certain everyone understands a notion, really comes through and makes this book a success. You can buy Digital Color Correction online at Delmar Learning as well as Amazon.com. ,It is Not an Inkjet OnDemand! (On Demand 2007)
Holograms&mdash;already familiar to consumers as authenticity markers for credit cards&mdash;will lead among these technologies throughout the forecast period, with RFID solutions showing the easiest growth (20.4% CAGR). Bar codes and emerging track-and-trace technologies including DNATrax also is going to be used to produce secure packaging that prevents imitation, confirms the safety of packaged goods, and protects supply chain integrity. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">cheap printing solutions</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing solutions</a>
#15 | MichaelVep في 07-10-2016
GE07: Graph Expo Must See â€کEms: More Than Products! <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">print solutions</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a> Blake and Ansley Dunn, NYU&rsquo;s Associate Director, Strategic Communications, Marketing and Media Management Programs, regularly attend Cal Poly&rsquo;s three Graphic Communication Career Day events per year where companies from over the nation visit recruit graduating students for full-time positions and continuing students for internships. NYU relates to recruit students and holds an exclusive orientation prior to your start Career Day. ,interlinkONE’s President & CEO, John Foley, Discusses Strategies for Success in a very Tough Economy
From the Old School for the New School Part 1: Characteristics from the New Style Print Buyer ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">Box Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a>
#16 | DonaldJew في 08-10-2016
FREE Special: Gilbert Hatch, Senior Vice President, Xerox Production Systems Group <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">product labels</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">Printing Services</a> Servers and Device Management ,AlphaGraphics Seattle Finds Success in Search Engine Marketing
By Jennifer Matt Published: August 20, 2013 ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">business office supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">publish your own book</a>
#17 | MichaelVep في 08-10-2016
PDF: More compared to a cool technology <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a> ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> Since sheetfed production inkjet can be a relatively family of press, we start to view a great deal of different variations of design. To date we have now seen the offset gripper/side guide model, a vacuum transport, new patent pending transports, and after drupa the designs will definitely increase. The most essential factor here should be to have a look at the project you currently do and plan to perform inside the future, and discover how each these transports is going to be capable of support the needs you have. For probably the most part, paper size and thickness specifications are all around. However, operational performance in numerous environmental conditions can present differing results. So pay focus on their facility recommendations. This is extremely true in presses that duplex. As we now have discussed through the entire series, other conditions you will need for being mindful of are the possible requirement for, and use of, pre-coating, and drying that could support your desired paper requirements and ink coverage levels. ,Free Special: Joint Committee on Printing Hearing Addresses OMB Plan to Make GPO Optional for Executive Branch Agencies
Eliminate em and en dashes. &ldquo;And who isn&rsquo;t confused as hell about when to make use of what kind? Screw &rsquo;em!&rdquo; ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html">Label Printing</a> ï»؟<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a>
#18 | DonaldJew في 08-10-2016
Did Graph Expo Deliver ROI? <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">carton box manufacturer</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">home office supplies</a> - Prepare: Imposition S/W Make Ready, Process Manager ,If I Were a Printer...Musings about Selling Print Today
Energy costs were punitive, as was the responsibility with the commercial real estate investment tax. And, although a lot of printers aimed to downplay it, the imbalance between hourly rates for skilled printing aid in New York City and wage scales elsewhere inside the country managed to get a hardship on metro shops to contend with outsiders about the all-important basis of price. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">personalized stickers</a>
#19 | MichaelVep في 08-10-2016
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By Cary Sherburne Published: January 29, 2013 ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">print solutions</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">packaging boxes</a>
#20 | DonaldJew في 09-10-2016
The Grapes of Wrath: The Brand Protection Conference Offers a Sobering Look at Wine Counterfeiting <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">quality office supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">large roll wrapping paper</a> The PageWide XL Series, including four devices. The XL 4000 starts at eight A1 pages each minute (ppm), the XL 4500 offers 12 A1 ppm, the XL 5000 features 14 A1 ppm, as well as the XL 8000 offers 30 A1 ppm. The XL 8000, that can become available first, supplies a 40 width (1,016mm) and 8 &ldquo;Printbar&rdquo; printheads. ,What have not been told by Print Outlook: Opportunities in the Down Economy
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