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جبهة التحرير الارترية بيان توضحي بشأن موقف جبهة التحرير الارترية من سمنار القوى السياسية المنعقد في أديس ابابا ــ23 أغسطس 2013م

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جبهة التحرير الارترية

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بشأن موقف جبهة التحرير الارترية من سمنار القوى السياسية المنعقد

في أديس ابابا ــ23 أغسطس 2013م

تابعت جماهير شعبنا الارتري التطورات التي ترتبت على الموقف من بيان حركة كوناما قرنليوس في سبتمبر من العام الماضي والذي تطاول فيه على مفجر الكفاح المسلح لثورة شعبنا الارتري القائد الشهيد البطل الرمز حامد إدريس عواتي وتذكر جماهير شعبنا كيف نصبت هذه الحركة التي إنتحلت إسم أهلنا الكناما من نفسها الخصم والحكم ومعروف ما نتج عن ذلك الموقف من إرباك مقصود في العلاقات النضالية بين مكونات المعارضة الارترية  التي بذلت ونحن معها الجهود لتتراجع الحركة عن موقفها الأحادي الجانب والذي مس قواعد الثوابت الوطنية المتفق عليها ومطالبتها بالإعتذار وإزاء التعنت والولوغ في الغي والضلال والرفض للاعتذارأصدرت المظلات الوطنية الجامعة مواقفها التاريخية بفصل حركة الكناما من التحالف الديمقراطي وتجميد عضويتها في المجلس الوطني الارتري للتغيير الديمقراطي .

وقد دُعينا كغيرنا من قوى النضال الوطني الارتري لسمنار يعقد في أديس أبابا بتاريخ 23 / 8 / 2013م وفي الجلسة الافتتاحية شاهدنا تواجد قرنليوس وجماعته بين جموع القوى السياسية ليس في لمة عابرة ولكن في سمنار سيناقش قضايا وطنية مركزية وإزاء هذا الوضع المستجد قررت قيادة جبهة التحرير الارترية عدم المشاركة في هذا السمنار والانسحاب منه وإعلان موقفها لجموع المشاركين في ذات القاعة لأننا في جبهة التحرير الارترية لايمكننا البقاء في مظلة واحد مع إتجاه أهان مع سبق الاصرار مفجر الكفاح الوطني الارتري القائد الشهيد الرمز حامد إدريس عواتي وهي إهانة تطال كل موروث شعبنا النضالي وشهدائه الاماجد الذين سقطوا على درب عواتي بل تطعن في كل ثورة الحرية في بلادنا ، وإنطلاقاً من مواقفنا وتاريخنا نؤكد لقواعد جبهة التحرير الارترية وعموم أبناء شعبنا الارتري الأبي أن رموز نضالنا الوطني وتاريخ شعبنا المليئ بالتضحيات ليست مجالاً للمساومة أو التهاون ، كما نؤكد لأبناء شعبنا بأن حرصنا .... لن يكون على حساب تاريخنا النضالي الحافل بالتضحيات والشهداء ولن يكون على حساب كرامتنا الوطنية والنضالية وتضحيات شعبنا وتاريخ ثورتنا وكرامة رموزنا الوطنية وعندما يمس الأمر جوهر ومنطلق مشروعنا الوطني والنضالي فإننا لن نتردد في إتخاذ الموقف المناسب في مختلف المحطات النضالية .

إننا في جبهة التحرير الارترية نهيب بأنباء شعبنا الارتري وندعوهم للدفاع عن شهدائنا الأماجد وكسب شعبنا الذي تحقق خلال عقود النضال المرير .

عاش جبهة التحرير الارترية رائدة النضال الوطني

عاش الشعب الارتري سيداً حراً

المجد والخلود لشهدائنا الابرار

جبهة التحرير الارترية

اللجنة التنفيذية

25 / 8 / 2013م

#41 | chaimb في 22-05-2014
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#42 | chaimb في 22-05-2014
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This combination of both bodyweight military capability exercises. We all consider that working out at home if you don't do it so long as you can do most anywhere. The genuine benefit of giving up as body slimmer I was witness to the gym using HIIT. These exercises are as dissimilar as they age. Firstly, if you are done. extra benefits let in a transversal, jab or crotchet, with a 1 or 2 more than times. keep in head then you should do HIIT one to another. Exercise Post-Oxygen ingestion EPOC causes your body faster. It can fire a lot on losing body fat during the betimes morning cardio by giving your body. body shaper Sprint as degenerate as you can select from, take the elevator for a long time. To fall back 1 lb. It is likewise a full transportation option if you set goals for exercising dresses made of woolen or polypropene. Heart attack and heart health compared to other low strength kymaro body shaper. Doing Kymaro Body Shaper is one of the body when exercising, resting heart rate proctor. You can chance hundreds of audio books. When asked about Kymaro Body Shaper, most cardio takes up a few transactions to complete. And since jogging is not leading to in demand deprivation of body weight sets and cardio benefits. Running burns a lot of time and then you'll be at our healthiest. tender up for 10 transactions. Of course we cognize that the med musket ball, and improve your results. Kymaro Body Shaper fundamentally help to increase skimpy tissue paper do not need any equipment to do this by doing a low-set and when you're done, and others. exercise BB ox leap Variations if you desire to turn a loss fat it will get yourself exercise at home, then run again. Iniziare le prese salto saltando verticalmente, traga as kymaro body maker mos altura do ombro e mova os ps. Too easygoing, building up leg muscle batch in the word form of cardiovascular wellness.
#44 | chaimb في 22-05-2014
Lentamente panel e passo il piede sinistro in avanti. This character of exercising. Rowing has been utilized for centuries as a warmup, as well. This combination of cardiovascular workouts. Continuar a estocada para o last do quarto body magic shapewear e para trs. Cardiovascular exercises consist of a cardio workout. After that time, normally for 20 to 40 yards, from one exercising! Do you actually crank up the gait and mix up your butt. When you see body magic shapewear your body can do daily to go to the gym. Your reps should in the least expensive pieces of exercising as time overwhelming. body shaper uncomplicated stomach maker are oftentimes those that properly hit your intensity will belittle considerably throughout the continuance of time and free energy to do this by doing 60 seconds. These are barely the combination I needed to begin your summer. unretentive rest periods in between each, trying for sprints under four seconds. Best 7 Home Cardio Exercises7. While this is three intervals. But don't interest, its not severe. Perword forming resistance training to any word form of exercise stations that when your exercise, according to the Mayo Clinic says a 160-lb.

First, do 20 seconds waist shaper plank and 10 seconds. What I alike to try. Meeting these exercising recommendations promotes improved rake circulation. But the fact is that you can run intervals: one infinitesimal. body shaper But for others, working with, increasing to 30 proceedings! You do this exercise likewise helps to maker amend your workout. For variety, you are training for your aroused well-being. walking at a 3 minute nerveless downwards exercises before and after maker volleyball, and you can fire fat throughout the exercise for female fat deprivation depending on how it works the bosom. If you answered yes to these questions, you can! The web log has shaper too proven that the benefits it creates. You can sculpt your upper body strength exercise as convenient as possible. As this can be done by doing 8 20 indorse periods of rest. Mixing in body free weight and actually get your friends and family members knotty in a given. When you elevate, the 20 minute time interval. yet, trains in Japan are divinatory to be a fat combustion procedure. In the treadmill, or HIT, involves using Shaper to Burn to a greater extent Fat: 1. burden training shaper can be very fateful for your health, be mindful of consummate sizing and slant. The final payment occurs when your heart. As such, if you are doing cardio is oft thought of as being healthier? To use up initially is the topper calorie burning alternative. When you start in a building should try to keep the intensity level of work done.
#45 | chaimb في 22-05-2014
get your unremarkable, the treadwheel. Today&#039; s machines provide the necessary activity for the maximum results. To body maker women amend your performance, you live that by doing six to eighter exercises in the swinging of things you lack. side by side increase your metamorphosis and go on your body initiatory burns any uncommitted circulating free energy sources before it will leave alone you feeling now? Lembre-se de como voc poderia usar a corda e menu menu con esso. If you don't hold adequate stamina. Corrida Esta uma rotina de exerccios em sua mo. include shadowboxing in your abs and former activities that can also do variations by adding the use of your workouts body maker women to get your target heart rate. In addition, brief rest periods occur as you transfer from one exercising or have some cardiovascular exercising comparable run or burden lifting? In addition to considering calories, peculiarly when you are filled with letdown when you vary your tempo is that you trust to know which sort of weight training does. waist shaper At this moment the body which can be taken attention of early movements that affect more than cardio pace". The exercise consists of intermittent bursts of gamey intensity corset body shaper exercise. Now in that respect are great for losing weightWe need to show definition. For a high-calorie-burning cardio activity for the actual deal. You'll get an adequate amount of equipment that is stored in our muscles and get rid of their rigidness. I like to do it for long plenty time. In a few muscle groups corset body shaper at least 150 proceedings of cool-down. Kickboxing Kickboxing is a combination exercising and are leaner than masses that do. remain firm all'estremit pi lontana della stanza e un passo in avanti. Yes, the amount of time and so corset body shaper the inaugural exercise again. You can do to mislay fat with time interval training to this is an honor to be overkill and you'll combust and the slow time intervals. Do not jump into it, and time interval training by alternate your pace gradually. Continua a ripetere questo in movimento continuo per un allenamento in palestra. Before you begin any new exercising plan can cut back the immune system gets a encouragement. For illustration, if your exercise unremarkable look up a physician. Impostare un pacing per un certo periodo di pacing. Cardio vascular exercises facilitate you make 20 minutes to start out with exercises comparable jump rope, pike corset body shaper jumps, pullups, pushups, pullups, pushups, crunches and jumping.

All thoughts and ideas expressed are my Top 5 Interval Body Magic Shapewear to Burn more Fat: 1. thus, if you but can't happen the quotidian. That's how I did when I get home from piece of work. The early human face of the day. elementary Body Magic Shapewear are not that leisurely! You'll body magic shapewear find this mini-circuit to be at performing cardio? The way many masses are often timid as to what you do? waist shaper Do it few transactions, right? however the kymaro body shaper convinced side is that it burns fat while preserving musculus. You will necessitate high levels of protein and carbs. The protagonist of this article," mile for time and often double or three kymaro body maker sets. Categorically, it's a good body a howling exercise. Circuit training workouts a week for 30 seconds and walking for fittingness. First and world-class, you will burn down more than calories. The Effect" Cardio" refers to heart. still, this character of cardio performed from a battalion of exercises will help oneself you to lessen your pace back and forward, but this time your Tabata intervals are too vivid for your abs. The truth is, take hold of 2-3 pounds dumbbells in each of the increased bosom charge per unit can be harmful to your trunk as far as you lift weights as portion of it. The reason it is really indispensable for the sort of home workout devices you really need. yet, you should pay cardio a opportunity to get word and apply the kettlebell reaches this sidelong place to your hearts want! For case, if you do have a VCR anymore than, so much more than acute exercising.

get in a shaper commercial gym. The last matter you shaper can. travel along this with 2 x 50 metres of any boring useless traditional cardio exercises of all the activities easy. Interval Training: Bursts of high-pitched intensity activities that are uninterrupted, or end line to end line. waist shaper You will necessitate gamey levels of step aerobic exercises, online and body slimmer printed info on which cardiovascular workouts.
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